August 1, 2012

My Awesome Candy Bags

As I have mentioned in my last post, the past weeks for me are all about frustrations. But when this package arrives, it really made my day! (Or I should say, my week because it really made my heart jump with joy!)  The package contains these two awesome candy bags from!  This site is offering wide variety of fashion goods in a very cheap price! Imagine, I got these two bags for only $15! (I will put the exact link of the each of them below.) They also have products that are under $5 that is not just small accessories or what, but your $5 will cost you skirts, pants, bags, t-shirts, blouses and many more!  So if you are looking for a cheap but with wide selection of fashionable products, I am definitely recommending for you! Going back to my post, the first one is the Fashion Retro Dots Dual Use Messenger Bag in Deep Blue. 

 It is a 25x29cm polka dot bag decorated with two silver buckles at the front. As stated in its name, it is a dual use bag wherein, you can carry it by hand without the strap and with shoulders when you put the straps in. So functional isn't it? And it is just $8.35! A functional and cheap find in one! 

The second one is this Lovely Double Buckle Belt Bowknot Messenger Bag in Watermelon Red. It is a 29x7x22cm (LxWxH) bag. Just like the first one, it is decorated with two buckles which I really love plus that super cool bow that captures my heart! (You guys know how I really love bows right?)

I love its watermelon color that is not red nor pink but a combination of both that blends well and sum up to this adorable and not so plain color. That little silver metal in the center also adds up a glam in this bag. Moreover, this bag only costs $7.30!

You can also click their banner on the right side of this blog.

I would love to hear your reactions and comments about my posts. It is a pleasure reading them!
Also, I may post this on lookbook soon. Please be my fan and hype my looks! Thanks!

Priscilla on Lookbook

Follow me on other social networking sites!



Unknown said...

love red bag !

Unknown said...

bessaha as we say :) the blue is sooo cute!

C said...

They are soooo cute and chic! Really like them!

Ni Ka said...

awwww these are sooo cute! :)***

Unknown said...

Awwwwww!!!L i love them!!!!

EMA said...

I love both bags!! although I prefer the blue one.. its so cool!
nice blog!! :) congrats!

Victoria Talia said...

Those are some great prices! I like the style of those bags :)

Saga said...

Lovely bag :)

Genie said...

Omg, I'm so excited, after finals I'm definitely hitting this site up! I love both of those bags, and I can't believe that you got them for such an awesome price!


Sadie said...

I love both of these bags, especially the blue polka dot one :) xx

Neche said...

What cute bags, Lovely bags, I need to have at least one.

You asked if we could follow each other but I HAVE BEEN following for a while now But you haven't followed back. please try to follow back via GFC at

Gagan said...

Both of these bags are so cute, especially loving the polka dotted one!

Mindy Fan said...

those bags are all so cute!

I follow you now!

could you follow me back?

Miss Psycho Cat said...

You have no idea how much I love your bags <3

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your bags, specially the blue one <3
They're so cute!

InĂªs Margarida Martins said...

I really love them both! Great purchases! ;D


Arwa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Great post! Love the polka dot bag. Btw, thanks for your kind comment on my blog, following ya!Mind a follow back?

Karen, xx

Dani Humayun said...

These bags are gorgeous!

J said...

I love the polka dotted one! Both are so pretty though :)


Becoming Refined said...

Love the blue one with the polka dots, definitely one of my favorite kind of patterns.

Valencia Maximillian said...

Lovely vintage bag!! The polka dots bag is very adorable <3


far and wild jewelry said...

these are so cute, love the polka dots!


Aina said...

Lovely bags! Polka dotted is my fave!

kelimutu said...

amazing bag! I love the polkadot blue more, but both are awesome. thanks for recommend the wholesale dress. I would definitely check them out. (;


Unknown said...

i love red color bag.. i am your follower :) do visit mine and i hope you will also follow me..

Unknown said...


Sere said...

Love both !!! so cute!!!

shoppanna said...

Oooooooo, so sweet <3<3<3

Mille Haudrum said...

Thank you so much for your sweet comment! I think the bags are just fine! And of course I'd follow each other :) - Now I'm just waiting for you to follow back!


Elise said...

they are amazing !

Anna said...

They're cute! :) Pls post an outfit with them! ;)
Thank you for stopping by at my blog, pls be my follower!:)

Mish said...

cute bags! <3

XO, Mish

Katie said...

I love the blue polka dot one, its perfect! x

Kasia said...

Those bags are lovely!
Gorgeous colors, really cute :-)

Unknown said...

Omg, I love them!


Petra said...

really love them, cute bags. :)
of course we can follow each other, new follower.hope you'll follow me back. :)
have a nice day!

Fashion-Bridge said...

The bags look so cute! I especially like the second one, great colour. You have an amazing blog hun. Do you want to follow each other?



Unknown said...

Specially love the polka dots one, really cute, and great price!!
thanks a lot for your visit, would you like to follow each other?

fox hunter said...

aaah these are so cool - love the blue polka dots one! so lovely :-)

Shopping Lady said...

I love these bags!

Unknown said...

amazing bags!!Thanks for your lovely comment,I fllw u with pleasure,waiting you back!

Monica Lopez said...

Lovely bags!!

Unknown said...

Hey! lovely blog! those candy bags look amazing. And from the previous post, i love to paint my nails in summer x)
Just followed you, also by twitter, so if you like follow my blog back, i think you will like it :)

xx ines

Paulina said...

Cute bags;)

LittleMucli said...

The blue bag Love it! You are very inspiring dear.I just discovered your blog and really like it.!

Anonymous said...

So cute! :)

Martina said...

niceee bags :))

Shubhi said...

The first bag is SO cute! Love it!

Shubhi's Revels!

Unknown said...

Love the polka dot one, so cute! Thanks for your comment on my blog, of course we can follow one another X

Hey Monkey Butt said...

Lerve that polka dot bag, adorable! :)

Tatiana said...

Great post, amazing bags & cute blog!
I`m a new follower now.
And I will be SOO happy, if you follow my blog:-)

Pao said...

I love both bags, my favorite is the polka dot one!


Unknown said...

Cute and lovely bag!

Melissa Tandoc said...

That's a really cool price for two precious bags :) I like the pink one :)

Horas Desnaturadas said...

Beautiful bags :) I'm following GFC, Facebook ... follow me now ;)


Joana de Sousa said...

cutxi cutxi, so sweet, lovit!

Thanks for your comment in my blog, I'm following you :)


Hola Bambi said...

Loveee the blue polka dot one xx

Sin12012 said...

The blue one it's amazing ! :D

xo ,
Ana Catalarrana

Beige Renegade said...

omgomgomg these are so adorable!! I must have!!! >:D

Anita - Fashion Attacks said...

Really cute bags! Thank your for you comment girl.
X An

Unknown said...

AH I'm in love with these bags xD

Arra A. said...

Wow! Love the bags and the colors!
